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For Coffee & Tea

Your Coffee Beans

Need More Than Just Bags

A fresh and unique way to pack your coffee

Why would you switch from traditional Flat Bottom coffee pouches to Paper tubes?

We know that packaging is essential to make your products special and different.Custom paper tubes can help make your coffee beans stand out in the crowd. More than just an eco-friendly solution to wasteful packaging, paper tubes are perfect solution for coffee packaging.

Here are some of the top reasons


Paper tubes are 100% recyclable, making them a sustainable and eco-friendly option for packaging.


Paper tubes can also offer excellent protection for your coffee beans, keeping them fresh and tasting great.


Custom printing on paper tubes allows you to create a unique and eye-catching design that will stand out on store shelves. Unlike plastic bags which you have to pay a high fee of plate charge, and high MOQ of each design, there is no plate cost for paper tubes of various designs and much lower MOQ than bags.


No need to worry about the degassing valve, we can add valve to the paper-tubes just as what we do to bags.

We work with a lot of
Amazing Coffee Roasters


Packaging that can be reused or recycled is a win-win. Upgrade to paper tubes. Reduce your ecological footprint.

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Ready to start?

Explore endless customization in any size, color, and style. Limited only by your imagination (and minimum order quantity).

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