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Pringles'' Leap into Eco-Friendly Packaging: A New Era Begins!


In a remarkable collaboration between Fost Plus and the Belgian Engineering and R&D teams at Kellogg's, Pringles has unveiled a groundbreaking innovation: a 90% paper tube that redefines snack packaging's environmental impact.

This bold move is all about achieving complete recyclability while maintaining the snack's freshness and shelf life.

The traditional steel base found in Pringles tubes has been ingeniously replaced with a paper fibre alternative. This new design, sealed to the tube's bottom, ensures that the packaging can be easily recycled in paper and cardboard streams once the plastic cover is removed.

This breakthrough sets a new standard in snack packaging sustainability.

Embracing sustainability isn't just a tagline; it's a mission.

Pringles' commitment to eco-friendly packaging involves installing cutting-edge machinery on production lines to create over one billion sealed paper-based Pringles tubes annually. With a significant investment of over €100 million, this bold step will pave the way for similar initiatives across Europe.

Johan Van Batenburg, director of the Pringles factory in Mechelen, explains that the recyclable tube is a pivotal stride towards sustainable packaging. After receiving positive feedback from consumers during the 2020 test phase, Pringles is excited to introduce the innovative paper tube to the Belgian market.

Fost Plus' Managing Director, Wim Geens, highlights that the new packaging resolves the previous issue of mixed materials hindering recycling. This advancement aligns with the fact that paper cardboard stands as one of Belgium's most recycled packaging materials, with a remarkable 92% recycling rate in 2021.

Pringles' journey into eco-friendly packaging resonates with a larger trend in the snack industry. Brands like PepsiCo and Burts Snacks are championing change with innovations that reduce plastic usage and enhance recycling rates.

Snack brand owners, join Pringles and other visionary brands in the journey towards a greener future. Make your snack packaging an example of responsible innovation that benefits both your business and the planet. Get your quote with EarthyCoes now!

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