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How to recycle your paper tubes packaging?

Paper tubes are a sustainable packagingoption for coffee brands because they are 100% recyclable and biodegradable.Here are some tips on how to recycle paper tubes:

Check with your local recycling program

Before recycling your paper tubes, checkwith your local recycling program to see if they accept them. Some recyclingprograms may not accept paper tubes, while others may require you to remove theplastic or metal end caps before recycling.


Remove any non-paper materials

If your recycling program accepts papertubes, make sure to remove any non-paper materials such as plastic or metal endcaps before recycling. These materials cannot be recycled with paper and cancontaminate the recycling process.

Flatten or cut into pieces

To make it easier for recycling facilitiesto process the paper tubes, you can flatten them or cut them into smallerpieces before recycling. This will help to save space in your recycling bin andmake it easier for the tubes to be sorted and processed.


Use for crafts or DIY projects

If you're feeling creative, you can alsoreuse paper tubes for crafts or DIY projects. They can be used to make anythingfrom pencil holders to bird feeders.

By following these tips, you can ensurethat your paper tubes are recycled properly and contribute to a moresustainable future.

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