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Why Can‘t We Trust Eco-Friendly Claimed Products Instantly?

Have you ever come across a product that claims to be eco-friendly but is not? That's called "Greenwashing".

It's when brands falsely promote their products as environmentally friendly to deceive consumers.


Greenwashing is the deceptive practice of exaggerating or misleading consumers about a product's environmental benefits. It creates a false perception of sustainability, making it challenging for consumers to make informed choices.

How to Identify Greenwashing?

1.False or vague claims: Beware companies using generic terms like "green" or "eco-friendly" without evidence or specifics.

2.Nature-inspired marketing: Look beyond symbols like trees and rivers—ensure real environmental efforts are in place.

3.Information hiding: Watch for companies selectively promoting certain practices while ignoring others.

4.Carbon offsetting without reduction: Verify if companies are genuinely reducing emissions or just offsetting them.

5.Conflicts of interest: Investigate leadership and ownership to ensure alignment with sustainability claims.

6.False recycling claims: Scrutinize recyclability claims and check if they are accessible to the average consumer.

Greenwashing not only misleads consumers but also damages a brand's reputation. When a brand's sustainability claims are exposed as false, trust is lost, and its credibility suffers, affecting its long-term success.

At EarthyCores, we prioritize transparency and authenticity. We do not engage in greenwashing practices. Our packaging is made from eco-friendly materials like soy ink and biodegradable plastic.

Join us in making a difference by switching to more sustainable packaging options!

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